
On July 17, the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport, announced over $285 million in funding through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) to researchers and graduate students across Canada–including to a large number of StFX faculty and students.
"Humanities and social sciences research plays a critical role in helping us understand some of the biggest challenges Canadians face," Minister Duncan said. Researchers provide the evidence needed to make informed decisions about our communities, economy, health, and future prosperity.
At StFX, the research projects range from understanding youth mobility in Nova Scotia to coastal search and rescue in the western Arctic.
“SSHRC grants play a key role in supporting research across a broad range of social science and humanities disciplines at StFX, and they provide many opportunities for our students to gain invaluable research experience,” said StFX Vice-President Research & Graduate Studies Dr. Richard Isnor.
Dr. Isnor said StFX researchers have been doing very well in SSHRC competitions, including in this latest round where over a dozen StFX faculty and two graduate students successfully received research grants.
“We had a 100 per cent success rate in our most Insight Grant applications for 2018–19. And we had a very good success rate for the most recent SSHRC Insight Development Grants competition, with four out of seven applications approved,” Dr. Isnor said.
Additionally, he said religious studies professor Dr. Ken Penner’s application was the top-rated Insight application in his category and several career faculty members received their first SSHRC grants.
StFX faculty are also tapping into a larger variety of SSHRC grant programs. Psychology professor Dr. Tara Callaghan, for example, received close to $200,000 for a three-year SSHRC Partnership Development Grant project in partnership with the Canadian Rohingya Development Initiative and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
StFX faculty and students receiving SSHRC awards in 2018-19 include:
SSHRC Insight Grants
• Dr. Ken Penner (Religious Studies), $66,759. Project: Digital Codex Marchalianus.
• Dr. Robert White (Education), $89,392. Project: Critical interdisciplinary scholarship: A digital application.
• Dr. Adam Lajeunesse (Irving Shipbuilding Research Chair, Mulroney Institute of Government, Public Policy and Governance), $63,686. Project: The Manhattan Voyage and the Creation of the Modern Canadian North, with Dr. Peter Kikkert (Irving Shipbuilding Research Chair, Mulroney Institute of Government, Public Policy and Governance), co-applicant.
• Dr. Jonathan Langdon (Development Studies), co-applicant on a $80,908 project led by Dr. Blane Harvey, McGill University. Project: T-Learn: Understanding how facilitated learning supports transdisciplinary action on climate change.
SSHRC Insight Development Grants
• Dr. Adam Perry (Adult Education), $42,327. Project: Learning to stay, learning to go: Understanding youth mobility aspirations in Nova Scotia.
• Dr. Peter Kikkert (Irving Shipbuilding Research Chair, Mulroney Institute of Government, Public Policy and Governance), $63,719. Project: Horizontal Capacity-Mapping to Support Capability-Based Planning and Capacity-Building for Community-Based Maritime and Coastal Search and Rescue and Emergency Response in the Western Arctic.
• Dr. Nathan Allen (Political Science), $54,648. Project: Restricting Non-resident Voting Rights: The Effect of British Institutional Legacy in India and Abroad.
• Dr. Kara Thompson (Psychology). $74,996. Project: How Sex and Gender Differences in Modes of Administration Alter the Effects of Cannabis.
• Dr. Lisa Lunney Borden (Co-Applicant), $65,000. Project led by Dr. Dawn Wiseman at Bishop’s University. Project: "What does it look like in the classroom?": Locally meaningful STEM teaching and learning in Indigenous K-12 contexts.
SSHRC Partnership Development Grants
• Dr. Tara Callaghan (Psychology), three-year, $199,600 project. Rohingya Refugee Children and Youth: Development and Facilitation of Prosocial Behavior in Mega-Camp Contexts. Partners: Canadian Rohingya Development Initiative; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
SSHRC Partnership Grants
• Canadian Defence and Security Network, seven-year, $2,498,789 project led by Dr. Stephen Saideman, Carleton University. StFX participants: Dr. Adam Lajeunesse, Irving Shipbuilding Research Chair in Canadian Arctic Security Policy (co-applicant).
• Thinking Historically for Canada's Future, seven-year, $2,500,000 project led by Dr. Carla Peck, University of Alberta. StFX participants: Dr. Ingrid Robinson and Dr. Jeff Orr, Education (co-applicants).
• Univenture: A Partnership to Address Heavy Drinking and Other Substance Misuse on Canadian University Campuses, five-year, $2,500,000 project led by Dr. Sherry Stewart, Dalhousie University. StFX participants: Dr. Margo Watt & Dr. Kara Thompson, Psychology (co-applicants).
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
• Dr. Adam Perry, (Adult Education), $14,686. Project: Successful stayers: Exploring Immigrant Settlement Services in Northeastern Nova Scotia. Partner: Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre and Sexual Assault Services Association.
SSHRC Doctoral Scholarship
• Wendy Mackey, $20,000, one-year. Transforming a School System through Culturally Relevant Pedagogy : An Instrumental Case Study.
SSHRC Armand Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters
• Meaghan Campbell, $17,500, one year. The Sacred Landscape of the Irish Cailleach.