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November 25, 2021
Mulroney Hall 4032
Jurisdictional Grey Zones: The Aging-Disability Nexus in Long-Term Care

The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government Fellows Lectures Presents

Jurisdictional Grey Zones: The Aging-Disability Nexus in Long-Term Care

Dr. Katie Aubrecht, StFX Department of Sociology

November 25, 2021

Mulroney Hall 4032

5:30 pm–7:00 pm

This presentation discusses jurisdictional grey zones related to aging and disability programs and services in Canada. Focusing on residential long-term care (LTC), I outline policy contradictions and service gaps that shape the lived realities of diversely located older (and) disabled adults and their status and entitlements as citizens. Adopting Deleuze and Guattari’s (1980) notion of “assemblage” as methodology, I describe a constellation of three distinct but interrelated research projects that examined this aging-disability nexus in LTC: the first conceptualized the nexus as it is represented in social and cultural gerontology and disability studies scholarship; the second involved ethnographic field research in LTC homes undertaken to map promising relational approaches to quality; the third used a participatory co-researcher model with disability activists living in LTC to identify innovative models in residential community care. I use insights from this research constellation to illuminate potential implications and unintended consequences of current LTC policy directions in COVID-19 recovery plans.  

The lecture is open to StFX students, faculty, and staff. COVID-19 protocols will be in place. The event will also be livestreamed.