Dr. Follert has been teaching in the Department of Sociology at StFX in the role of Assistant Professor since 2023. His current Insight Development Grant project is titled, “Making terra silentium: Canadian Radio, Nation-building, and the Sounding of the North, 1945–1967.” Drawing on archival records, the project examines the place of radio in cultivating the imagined soundscapes of “the North” for Canadians living in the south during the post-war period. This research extends upon Dr. Follert’s interest in the themes of power, colonialism, and representation within Canadian culture, as well as his previous work within the film, television, and radio industries.
Dr. Follert is a member of the Workshop in Interpretive and Critical Social Science (WICSS).
Michale Follert. “Evocations of the Eerie: The Acousmatic Voice in Canadian Radio Drama.” Sound Studies 9:1 (2023): 22–41. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20551940.2022.2158677
Michael Follert. “The Cunning of Politeness.” In Reading Sociology: Decolonizing Canada, ed. by Johanne Jean-Pierre, Vanessa Watts, Carl E. James, Patrizia Albanese, Xiaobei Chen, and Michael Graydon, 346–51. 4th ed. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2022. https://www.oupcanada.com/catalog/9780190164935.html
Michael Follert. “The Silent Majority, Populism, and the Shadow Sides of Democracy.” Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 28:4 (2021): 455–65. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1467-8675.12587
Michael Follert. “Contractual Thought and Durkheim’s Theory of the Social: A Reappraisal.” Journal of Classical Sociology 20:3 (2020): 167–90. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1468795X19826840
Michael Follert. “Burying the Past: Indigeneity and the Canadian Horror Canon.” In The Spaces and Places of Canadian Popular Culture, ed. by Victoria Kannen and Neil Shyminsky, 180–90. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2019. https://canadianscholars.ca/book/the-spaces-and-places-of-canadian-popular-culture/
Michael Follert. “From Phrygian Cap to Foulard: Looking Back on the Festivals of the Revolution, 1793–1989.” The Age of Revolutions. June 4, 2018. https://ageofrevolutions.com/2018/06/04/from-phrygian-cap-to-foulard-looking-back-on-the-festivals-of-the-revolution-1793-1989/
Michael Follert. “The Ambivalence of Diplomacy.” In Reading Sociology, ed. by Patrizia Albanese, Lorne Tepperman, and Emily Alexander. 3rd ed. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2017. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/reading-sociology-9780199020041
Media Areas: Canadian Media and Broadcasting Policy; Apologies in Federal Politics; Populist Movements