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Dr. Yvon Grenier

Yvon Grenier (PhD, Université Laval, 1989) is Professor of Political Science at StFX. He is the author of Culture and the Cuban State: Participation, Recognition, and Dissonance under Communism (2017), Gunshots at the Fiesta?: Literature and Politics in Latin America (2009, with Maarten Van Delden), From Art and Politics: Octavio Paz and the Pursuit of Freedom (2001; Spanish translation with Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2004), The Emergence of Insurgency in El Salvador (1999), and Guerre et pouvoir au Salvador (1994). Dr. Grenier edited (a selection of texts and the introduction) a book of political essays by the Mexican Nobel laureate Octavio Paz, entitled Sueño en libertad, escritos políticos (2001), and he received the Essay Award from the Fundación Octavio Paz. Professor Grenier is a former editor of the Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, a contributing editor of the magazine Literal, Latin American Voices, and a board member of the Journal of Conflict Studies as well as Cuban Studies/Estudios Cubanos. He is a regular political commentator for Radio Canada. His current project examines Canadian foreign policy toward Cuba, Mexico, and Venezuela, with a focus on human rights and the promotion of democratic values.





2017 Culture and the Cuban State, Participation, Recognition, and Dissonance under Communism (Lexington Books).

2009 (2012) Gunshots at the Fiesta: Politics and Literature in Latin America, with Maarten Van Delden (Vanderbilt University Press). Paperback 2012.

2004 Del arte a la política, Octavio Paz y la búsqueda de la libertad (Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, Collección Tierra Firme, 2004). [Spanish trans. of From Art to Politics: Octavio Paz and the Pursuit of Freedom]

2001 From Art to Politics: Octavio Paz and the Pursut of Freedom (Rowman and Littlefield, Culture and Politics series, Henry Giroux ed.).

2001 (Editor, Foreword) Octavio Paz, Sueño en libertad, escritos políticos (Mexico City: Seix Barral).

1999 The Emergence of Insurgency in El Salvador: Ideology and Political Will, Foreword by Mitchell A. Seligson (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, Pitt Latin American Series; London: Macmillan, International Political Economy Series).

1994 Guerre et pouvoir au Salvador: idéologies du changement et changements idéologiques (Ste-Foy, Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, coll. Sociétés et Mutations), xv + 350p.

Refereed Articles, Chapters, and Review Essays

Yvon Grenier. “New Identities in Cuba: Transnational Collaboration, Digital Communities, and the Emerging Social Movement.” Introduction to special dossier. Cuban Studies/Estudios Cubanos 54 (2024).

Yvon Grenier. “Opportunities to Promote Human Rights and Democracy Abroad: The Case of Canadian Foreign Policy Toward Cuba.” American Review of Canadian Studies 53:2 (2023): 204–17.

Yvon Grenier. “Culture, Identity and the State in Cuba.” Review Essay. Latin American Research Review 58:1 (2023): 203–14.

Yvon Grenier. “Submission and the Possibility of Low-Intensity Totalitarianism in France.” In Decline and Submission: Michel Houellebecq, The Cassandra of Freedom, ed. by Michael S. Kochin and Alberto Spektorowski, 85–104. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2022.


2021  “Fidel Castro’s ‘Words to Intellectuals’ at 60: Nothing to Celebrate,” Literal, Latin American Voices, July.


2021  "Opportunities to Promote Human Rights and Democratic Values Abroad: The Case of Canadian Foreign Policy Toward Venezuela," International Journal (forthcoming).


2021  “La política como ciencia y como tabúe,” Foro Cubano (Bogota) 4, no.29 (February).


2021  “Emergency and Opportunities: Canada and the Venezuela Crisis,” in External Powers in Latin America, Gian Luca Gardini and Gonzalo S. Paz eds., Routledge.


2021  "Houellebecq and the Politics of Submission," in Decline and Submission:  Michel Houellebecq, The Cassandra of Freedom, ed. Michael S. Kochin and Alberto Spektorowski (Leiden: E. J. Brill, accepted/forthcoming)


2021    "The Prophet of Dystopia at Rest: Margaret Atwood in Cuba." Quillette, July 2, 2021. 

2021    “Emergency and Opportunities: Canada and the Venezuela Crisis,” in External Powers in Latin America, Gian Luca Gardini and Gonzalo S. Paz eds., Routledge (forthcoming ISBN number: 978-0-36736859-3)

2020    "Cuban Studies and The Siren Song of La Revolución," Cuban Studies 49: 310-329.

2019    "Houellebecq and the Politics of Submission," in Decline and Submission:  Michel Houellebecq, The Cassandra of Freedom, ed. Michael S. Kochin and Alberto Spektorowski (Leiden: E. J. Brill, accepted/forthcoming).

2019    "Canada and the Venezuela Crisis." Oasis 30 (July-December): 50-75.

2019    “¿Cuándo terminó la Revolución Cubana? Una Discusión.” With Jorge Domínguez, Julio César Guanche, Jennifer Lambe, Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Silvia Pedraza, and Rafael Rojas, Cuban Studies vol. 47, 143-165.

2019    "Ciencias sociales y humanidades en Cuba: Parametración y despolitización," in Gisela Kozak Rovero and Armando Chaguaceda eds., La izquierda como autoritarismo en el siglo XXI (Buenos Aires: Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de América Latina [CADAL], Universidad de Guanajuato, Centro de Estudios Constitutionales Iberoamericanos AC, Universidad Central de Venezuela), 173-201.

2018 "¿Imposible Cuba? El arte y las trampas de la  disonancia," Revista Conviviencia (Pinar del Río, Cuba), 12 August. Digital journal

2018 "Cuba, sí, Venezuela, No? A double standard in foreign policy",, June 21, 2018.

2018    “The Politics of Culture and the Gatekeeper State in Cuba,” Cuban Studies vol.46: 61-87.

2017    "Cuban Studies and the Siren Song of 'La Revolución,'" Cuba in Transition, Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy, vol.27, pp.323-335

2017    "Derechos del estado, participación cultural y parametros," in Rafael Rojas, Velia Cecilia Bobes, and Armando Chaguaceda eds., El cambio constitucional en Cuba: actores, instituciones y leyes de un proceso político (Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017), 127-160.

2017    ¿Estado de derecho o derecho del Estado? El principio básico de toda estrategía cultural," Revista Conviviencia (Pinar del Río, Cuba), 57 (May-June 2017). Digital journal.

2017    "Ciencias sociales, despolitización y el elefante azul," Revista Convivencia (Habana) 56 (March-April 2017).

2017 “Jesús Díaz (1941-2002): The Unintentional Deviationist,” Cuban Studies vol.45, pp. 115-131.

2017 "Hacia la democracía liberal," in Braulio Peralta ed., Los rostros de Octavio Paz, Una antología crítica (Mexico city: El Tapiz del Unicornio).

2017    "Who Took Trump Seriously?" Literal, Latin American Voices (February).

2016    "Temas and Anathemas: Depoliticization and 'Newspeak' in Cuba’s Social Sciences and Humanities," Revista Mexicana de Análisis Político y Administración Pública 10 (July-December): 155-182.

2016     “To be a Writer in Cuba: The Methodology of Leonardo Padura,” Literal, Latin American Voices (February)

2016 “The Small Heresies of Leonardo Padura,” Cuba in Transition, Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy, vol.25, pp.302-319.

2015    “Octavio Paz y el antiliberalismo,” in Aire en libertad: Octavio Paz y la crítica, Edited by Jorge Antonio Aguilar Rivera (Mexico city: Fondo de Cultura Económica): 235-254

2015    “Un hombre en su siglo,” in Octavio Paz universal, Miguel Maldonado Ed. (Puebla: Nueva Alianza, El Colegio de Puebla); 149-160.

2015 “Octavio Paz, Hacia la democracia liberal,” in Octavio Paz, semblanas, territorios y dominios, Braulio Peralta ed. (Mexico city: Fundación Iberoamericana para el arte y la cultura), 107-113. This book is the companion to the exposition presented at the Museo Pantaleón Panduro, Centro Cultural ‘El Refugio’, San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jalisco.

2015 “The Complex Dynamic between Cuba, Venezuela and the Americas,”, Canadian International Council, 14 April; Also published in Autralian Outlook, the website of the Australian Institute of International Affairs (19 April).

2015 “Whispers and Silence: Tania Bruguera, Raul Castro and Performance Art in Cuba,” Literal, Latin American Voices. February.

2015 “Cultural Policy, Participation, and the Gatekeeper State in Cuba,” Cuba in Transition, Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy, vol.24, pp.456-73.

2014    “Arte, Libertad y Política,” Revista UNI 4, Puebla, Mexico (Feb-April): 54-63.

2014 Interview by Jaime Porras with me on my work, entitled “Octavio Paz y el liberalismo romántico: un encuentro con Yvon Grenier,” in Global, la Revista de la Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo, Dominican Republic, no.28 (May-June): 27-32

2014 “Octavio Paz and the Rise and Fall of the Literary Intellectual in Mexico,” in Roberto Cantu ed., The Willow and the Spiral, Essays on Octavio Paz and the Poetic Imagination (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), 137-55.

2014    “Not Free but Comfy: Cuban Art between State and Market,” Literal, Latin American Voices 35 (Winter):

2013    “The Crisis of Crisis,” Literal, Latin American Voices 31 (Winter): 20-24.

2013    “The Politics of Culture in Cuba,” in Handbook of Contemporary Cuba: Economy, Politics, Civil Society and Globalization, vol.1, Mauricio Font and Carlos Riobó eds. (Boulder: Paradigm Press): 173-190.

2011 “Parameters, Uncertainty and Recognition: The Politics of Culture in Cuba," in Mauricio Font ed., Cuba Futures: Politics and Society in Contemporary Cuba (New York: Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies, 2011), 65-86.

2011  “Farewell to the PRI, Lessons for Modern-Day Autocrats,” Literal, Latin American Voices 26 (2011): 14-16.

2011  “Artistes et intellectuels cubains: entre incertitude et tâtonnements,” in Vincent Bloch and Philippe Létrillard eds, Cuba au quotidien (Paris: Choiseul), 149-76.

2010  Introduction to previously unpublished lecture given by Octavio Paz at the University of Austin, Texas and published in Literal, Voces Latinoamericanas (Spring 2010): 4. Paz’s lecture is entitled “Escritores y artistas en la historia de México”, pp.5-9.

2009 “Socialism in One Person: Specter of Marx in Octavio Paz’s Political Thought,” in Octavio Paz: Humanism and Critique, Oliver Kozlarek ed.(Verlag, Bielefeld), 47-64.

2009 “El socialismo en una sola persona: el espectro de Marx en la obra de Octavio Paz,” in Anthony Stanton ed., Octavio Paz, entre poética y política (Mexico city: El Colegio de México), 211-234.

2008/9 “In Praise of Luxury / En defense del lujo,” Literal, Latin American Voices 15: 24-27.

2008 “Octavio Paz’s Perspectives on Politics: The Other Voice,” Studies in the Humanities 35, no.2 (December): 198-215.

2007 “Vuelta a las ideologias / Return to Ideologies,” Literal, Latin American Voices 12.

2007 “Democracia y tedio/ Democratic Boredom,” Literal, Latin American Voices 11 (Winter):12-15.

2007 “Pintura y poder : Vlady / Painting and Power,” Literal, Latin American Voices 9 (Summer): 9-16.

2006 “Toward a Philosophy of the Present,” Latin American Voices 7 (Winter 2006-2007): 19-21.

2006 “Milan Kundera on Politics and the Novel,” History of Intellectual Culture 6, no.1: 1-18.

2006 “The Politics of Art and Literature in Latin America ” (Review Essay) Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 31, no.62: 245-258.

2005 “Octavio Paz, An Intellectual and his Critiques” (Review Essay), Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, University of California Press 21, no.1 (Winter): 251-68.

2004  “The Rise and Fall of Revolutionary Passions in El Salvador: Some Lessons for the Study of Political Rebellions,” Journal of Human Rights 3, no.3 (September): 313-29.

2004 “Sin decirlo todo, decir todo lo que hay que decir: los ensayos de Octavio Paz,” in Héctor Jaimes ed., Octavio Paz: la dimensión estética del ensayo (Mexico: Siglo XXI), 215-32.

2003 “Revolución y revelación en Octavio Paz,” La Gaceta del Fondo de Cultura Económica no.388 (April).

2002 “Cambio de piel: Carlos Fuentes o el intelectual mexicano perfecto,” Foro hispánico (Belgium), no.22 (May): 121-36.

2001 “Octavio Paz and the Changing Role of Intellectuals in Mexico,” Discourse, Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture 23, no.2 (Spring) :124-43.

2001 “The Romantic Liberalism of Octavio Paz,” Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, University of California Press 17, no.1 (Winter): 171-91.

2001 “La critica, el intelectual y la democracia,” Anuario de la Fundación Octavio Paz 3 (Mexico city: Fundación Octavio Paz,), 186-94.

2001 “Paz y Berlin: dos conceptos de la libertad,” La Gaceta del Fondo de Cultura Económica no.361 (January): 37-43.

2001 (with Catherine Hirbour) “Building a Liberal State in Anti-Liberal Mexico,” Canada Watch, York University Centre for Public Law and Public Policy and the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, vol.8, no.6 (July).

2001 Lecturas de Octavio Paz, unpublished manuscript, Fundación Octavio Paz, 65Pp.

2001 “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Poetry: Reflections on Octavio Paz,” in Tribute to Octavio Paz (Mexico City: Mexican Cultural Institute of New York, Mexican Cultural Institue of Washington, Foundation Octavio Paz).

2000 “Octavio Paz and Postmodernism,” La Vitrina, On-Line Magazine of the Mexican Cultural Institute of New York, 16 May [].

2000 Report from the Roundtable on Canada-Cuba relations, Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development, 18 January.

2000 “Our Dictatorship: Canada’s Trilateral relations with Cuba,” in Fen Osler Hampson and Maureen Appel Molot eds., Canada Among Nations (Toronto: Oxford University Press), 247-73.

2000 “Canada-Cuba Relations,” long review essay with a focus on John M. Kirk and Peter McKenna’s Canada-Cuba Relations, the Other Good Neighbor Policy (University Press of Florida, 1997), in Canadian Foreign Policy 7, no.3 (Spring): 131-36.

1999 El liberalismo escéptico de Octavio Paz: una mirada a la modernidad política,  Anuario de la Fundación Octavio Paz, No.1 (Fundación Octavio Paz, Mexico city), 65-86.

1999 “Los olvidados: insurgentes e insurgencias,” Letras Libres, no. 9 (Mexico, September): 14-21.

1999 “Octavio Paz, el pensador del siglo que viene,” Equis 11 (Mexico city, March).

1998 “The Canadian Scholar Yvon Grenier Reflects on Octavio Paz’s Political Thoughts,” La Vitrina, On-Line Magazine of the Mexican Cultural Institute of New York, No.6 (June-July) []

1998 “Una crisis canadiense,” Equis, No.1 (Mexico city, May): xxiii-xxvii.

1998 “La izquierda en Canada,” Equis, No.2 (Mexico city, June): xxvi-xxix

1997 “Ideology and Insurrection: Bringing the Actor Back In,” Ciencia Ergo Sum (Mexico), vol.4, no.3 (November): 265-72.

1996 “From Causes to Causers: the Etiology of the Salvadoran Internal War Revisited,” Journal of Conflict Studies 26, no.2 (Fall): 26-43.

1996 “Already twenty years, déjà vingt ans,” Foreword, as Editor, to a XX year anniversary, special issue of Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 21, no.41 (Spring).

1995 (With Jean Daudelin as a second author) "Foreign Assistance and the Market Place of Peace Making: Lessons from El Salvador,” International Peacekeeping (UK) Vol.2, No.3 (Autumn): 350-364; reproduced in War-Torn Societies Project (WSP), Database-Documents, Global Forum on Post-Conflict Rebuilding [].

1995 “Chronicle of a Death Foretold: Intellectuals in the Americas,” Hemisphere, vol.7, no.1, pp.10-14.

1995 Foreign Assistance and the Market Place of Peace-Making: Lessons from El Salvador (Halifax: Working Papers Series, Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University).

1994 (With Jean Daudelin) "Political Pacts and Democracy: Lessons from El Salvador and Nicaragua,” Latin American Essays 7 (Kean College, PA: Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies): 79-100.

1994 “Gringo's Central American Revolutions,” Conflict Quarterly 14, no.2 (Spring): 63-70. (Review essay).

1994 Una clase dirigente en transición: La Universidad Nacional en la crisis del poder en El Salvador (San Salvador: FundaUngo, Serie Análisis de la Realidad Nacional), 31p.

1993 “Contre la dictature: l'Argentine dans la transition,” in La démocratie dans tous ses états, Argentine, Canada, France, Jacques Zylberberg and Claude Emeri eds. (Ste-Foy: Les Presses de L'Université Laval), 21-43.

1993 “Violence politique et transition à la démocratie en Amérique centrale: une grille d'analyse,” (With Jean Daudelin)  in L'Amérique et les Amériques, Jacques Zylberberg and François Demers eds. (Ste-Foy: Les Presses de l'Université Laval), 713-34.

1992 “Vers la libération universitaire du peuple salvadorien: l'Université Centro-Américaine dans la transition politique au El Salvador,” Revue Canadienne d'Études du Développement, vol.13, No.1 (March-April): 7-38.

1992 “Una clase política en transición,” Tendencias, Programa Regional de Investigación sobre El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador (October) No.14.

1992 Universities, Intellectuals and Political Transition: the Salvadoran Case (Montréal: McGill University, Centre for Developing-Area Studies, Discussion Paper No. 71), 48p.

1991 “Understanding the FMLN: A Glossary of Five Words,” Conflict Quarterly 11, no.2 (Spring): 51-75.

1991 “De l'inflation révolutionnaire: guerre interne, coup d'État et changements radicaux en Amérique latine,” Études Internationales 22, no.1 (March): 47-61.

1991 Universités et politique en Amérique latine: l'Université Centro-Américaine ‘José Simeón Cañas’ dans la transition politique au El Salvador (Montréal: Université de Montréal, Cahiers de recherche du G.R.A.L., no.20), 55p. (Discussion paper).

1989 “Élections et démocratie au El Salvador et en Argentine,” L'Analyste 27 (Fall): 36-40.

1988 “Guérilla et terrorisme en Amérique latine,” Études Internationales 11, no.4 (December): 613-27.

Book Reviews (most recent)

- Luis René Fernández Tabío, Cynthia Wright, and Lana Wylie editors, Other Diplomacies, Other Ties: Cuba and Canada in the Shadow of the US (Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2018), in International Journal 74, no.4 (2019): 623-625.

- Vincent Bloch, La Lutte. Cuba après l'effondrement de l'URSS (Paris: Vendémiaire, 2018). In La vie des idées (Paris), February 7, 2019.

- Pablo Alonso González, Cuban Cultural Heritage, A Rebel Past for a Revolutionary Nation. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2018. XIV + 335pp (Cloth US $84.95). In New West Indian Guide 93, issues 1-2, 2019, pp.170-171

- Jonathan C. Brown, Cuba's Revolutionary World (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017). Pp.600. The Americas, A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 76, no.2 (2019): 375-377.

- Margaret Randall, Exporting Revolution, Cuba's Global Solidarity (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2017), x + 270Pp. In The Americas, A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 75, no.4 (October 2018): 807-808.

- Lana Wylie, Perceptions of Cuba, Canadians and American Policies in Comparative Perspective (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010), xii + 179Pp. Published in Canadian Foreign Policy 18, no.1 (March 2012): 145-47.

- Monica Gattinger et Diane Saint-Pierre eds., Les politiques culturelles provinciales et territoriales du Canada (Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2011), 624 p. Published in Politique et Société 31, no.1 (2012): 183-84.

- Carlos Henríquez Consalvi (‘Santiago’), Broadcasting the Civil War in El Salvador, A Memoir of Guerrilla Radio, translated by Charles Leo Nagle V with A.L. Prince, Introduction by Erik Ching (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, 2010), xlvi + 229Pp. Published in The Americas, A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 69, no.2 (Oct. 2012): 283-285.

- Alain Noël et Jean-Philippe Thérien, La Gauche et la Droite, Un débat sans frontières (Québec, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, coll. « Champ Libre », 2010), 340 p. Published in Politique et Sociétés, Volume 30, numéro 1, 2011, p. 178-180