Peter Clancy is Senior Research Professor in the Department of Political Science at StFX. He retired from full-time teaching in 2016. Prior to that he taught in several subfields of Canadian politics as well as Aquatic Resources. From 2001 to 2004, he was the Coordinator of the Program for Interdisciplinary Studies in Aquatic Resources (ISAR). In fall 2006, he taught a combined group of StFX and Memorial University students at Harlow, England. He continues to offer a course on Governance for the StFX Public Policy and Governance Program. Before joining the StFX faculty in 1986, he taught for a number of years at the University of Western Ontario. On several occasions, Dr. Clancy has been a Visiting Scholar at the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge, England. He has also spent time as an invited Visiting Lecturer at the School of Management Studies of the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand. In 2005, he was a Visitng Scholar at the Centre for Resource and Law and Policy at the Faculty of Law of the University of Western Australia in Perth. Dr. Clancy’s research work centres on the interplay of economic and political interests in a variety of settings, including business politics and natural resource industries. This includes wildlife, forests, petroleum, minerals, fisheries, and water. The geopolitical fields for inquiries include Canada and its regions. (Northern, Atlantic, and Prairie in particular) as well as Australasia. The relationships between resource owners, users, and market is the focus of most of these studies, with state policy as a crucial mediating form. He has authored and co-authored seven books and numerous academic articles and chapters. He has been a principal investigator on four nationally funded projects by SSHRC. At present, he is completing a manuscript on environmental governance in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. This project is supported by SSHRC of Canada and in collaboration with Dr. Mario Levesque at Mount Allison University. The project website is gulfgov.ca.

Peter Clancy and Whitney Lackenbauer. Shaping Inuit Policy: the Minutes of the Eskimo Affairs Committee, 1952-62. Arctic Institute of North America. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security. Vol. 14. 2019.
Donald F. George with Peter Clancy. Memoirs of a Dirt Forester: from Nova Scotia to Algonquin Park. Friends of Algonquin Park. 2018
Peter Clancy. Freshwater Politics in Canada. University of Toronto Press Higher Education, 2014.
Peter Clancy. Offshore Petroleum Politics: Regulation and Risk in the Scotian Basin, Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011.
Peter Clancy. Micropolitics and Canadian Business: Paper, Steel and the Airlines, Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2004.
Anders Sandberg and Peter Clancy. Against the Grain: Foresters and Politics in Nova Scotia, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2000. - Winner of the Clio Award 2000 (Atlantic Canada) from the Canadian Historical Association.
Peter Clancy, James Bickerton, Rodney Haddow and Ian Stewart. The Savage Years: the Perils of Reinventing Politics in Nova Scotia, Halifax: Formac Publishing, 2000.
Articles and Chapters
(with Anders Sandberg) “Forest Pasts and Forest Futures. Lessons from Nova Scotia” Forest History Today, 25 (1&2), 2019.
“Provincial Fiscal Strategies and Public Sector Management in Nova Scotia” in Bryan M. Evans and Carlo Fanelli (eds.) Provincial and Territorial Paradoxes: Public Finances, Services and Employment in an Era of Austerity, McGill-Queens University Press, 2018.
Peter Clancy and Mario Levesque. “Exploring Environmental Governance in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: Contested Political Relations in a Canadian Inland Sea” in Laurie Brinklow and Ryan Gibson (eds.) Building Community Resilience: From Dark Horses to White Steeds, Charlottetown: Island Studies Press, forthcoming in September 2017.
“Nova Scotia: Fiscal Crisis and Party System Transition” in Bryan M. Evans and Charles W. Smith (eds.) Transforming Provincial Politics: the Political Economy of Canada’s Provinces and Territories in the Neoliberal Era, University of Toronto Press, 2015.
“Business Interests and Civil Society in Canada” in Miriam Smith (ed.) Group Politics and Social Movements in Canada, 2nd Ed., University of Toronto Press, 2014.
"Chasing Whose Fish? Atlantic Eastcoast Fisheries Conflicts" in Mark Sproule-Jones, Carolyn Johns and Tim Heinmiller (eds.) Water Policy and Politics in Canada, McGill-Queen’s Press, 2008.
“Offshore Petroleum Politics: A Changing Frontier in a Global System” in Michael Howlett and Keith Brownsey (eds.), Canada’s Resource Economy in Transition: the Past, Present and Future of Canada’s Staple Industries, Emond Montgomery, 2008.
“Business Interests and Civil Society in Canada” in Miriam Smith (ed.) Group Politics and Social Movements in Canada, Broadview Press, 2008.
“Offshore Petroleum Politics: A Changing Frontier in a Global System” Policy and Society, 26(1) 2007.
(with Anders Sandberg) "Politics, Science and the Spruce Budworm in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia" Journal of Canadian Studies, 37(2) (Summer 2002).
"Atlantic Canada: The Politics of Public and Private Forestry" in Michael Howlett (ed.) Canadian Forest Policy: Regimes, Policy Dynamics and Institutional Adaptations, University of Toronto Press, 2001.
"The Northwest Territories: Old and New Class Politics on the Northern Frontier" in Michael Howlett and Keith Brownsey (eds.) The Provincial State in Canada, Broadview Press, 2001.
"The H2Woes of the DFO" in Leslie A. Pal (ed.) How Ottawa Spends, 2000-2001, Oxford University Press, 2000.
"Delgamuukw v. British Columbia: Redefining Relations Between Aboriginal Peoples and the Crown" in Martin W. Westmacott and Hugh Mellon (eds.) Political Dispute and Judicial Review, Nelson, 2000
"The Politics and Administration of Aboriginal Claims" in M. W. Westmacott and Hugh Mellon (eds.) Public Administration and Policy, Prentice Hall Allyn and Bacon, 1999.
"Some Political Aspects of Certification for Sustainable Forest Management in Canada" in A. Sandberg and S. Sorlin (eds.) The Challenge of Sustainability: Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Environmentalism, Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1998.
"Concerted Action on the Periphery? Voluntary Economic Planning in the 'New Nova Scotia'" Acadiensis, 26(2), Spring 1997.
(with Anders Sandberg) "Formulating Standards for Sustainable Forest Management" Business Strategy and the Environment, 6 (October 1997).
(with Anders Sandberg) "Forestry in a Staples Economy: The Checkered Career of Otto Schierbeck, Chief Forester, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1926-1933" Environmental History 2(1) January 1997.
"The New Zealand Experiment: A Canadian Perspective" Electronic Journal of Radical Organizational Theory, 2(1) (June 1996).
(with Anders Sandberg) "Property Rights, Forest Use, and Forest Management in Nova Scotia" Journal of Canadian Studies, v.31(1&2) (Spring) 1996.
(with Anders Sandberg) "Crisis and Opportunity: The Political Economy of the Stora Mill Closure Controversy in Nova Scotia" Business Strategy and the Environment 4(4) (October 1995).
"The North: A Region of Permeable Boundaries" in James P. Bickerton and Alain G. Gagnon (eds.) Canadian Politics 2nd ed. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1994.
"The Political Significance of Maritime Economic Union: A Case Study from the Forest Sector" in Sally F. Zerker (ed.) Impact and Change: Essays in Canadian Social Sciences. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1994.
"On the Axe's Edge: the Graham Langley Saga", New Maritimes 11(5) (May-June 1993).
"The Politics of Pulpwood Marketing in Nova Scotia, 1960-1985" in L. Anders Sandberg (ed.) Trouble in the Woods, Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1992.
(with Anders Sandberg) "Maritime Forest Sector Development: A Question of Hard Choices" in L. Anders Sandberg (ed.) Trouble in the Woods, Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1992.
"Political Autonomy in the North" in D. Brown and R. Young (eds.) Canada: The State of the Federation 1992, Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, 1992.
"The Northwest Territories: Class Politics on the Northern Frontier" in Michael Howlett and Keith Brownsey (eds.) The Provincial State: Politics in Canada's Provinces and Territories, Copp Clark, 1992.
"State Policy and the Native Trapper: Post-War Policy Toward Fur in the NWT" in Aboriginal Resource Use in Canada. J. Friesen and K. Abel (eds.), University of Manitoba, 1991.
"The Freshwater Fishery Delegation: The Politics of Jurisdictional Transfer" The Northern Review No. 4 (February 1991).
"Crossroad in the Forest", New Maritimes 9(5) (May-June 1991).
"Politics by Remote Control: Historical Perspectives on Devolution in the North" in Gurston Dacks (ed.) Devolution and Constitutional Development in the North, Carleton University Press, 1990.
"Political Devolution and Wildlife Management" in Gurston Dacks (ed.) Devolution and Constitutional Development in the North, Carleton University Press, 1990.
"Native Peoples and Politics in the Northwest Territories." Chapter for the volume: Canadian Politics: An Introduction to the Discipline. Edited by Alain G. Gagnon and James P. Bickerton. Broadview Press. (1990).
"The Politics of Economic Policy: A Review", Canadian Public Policy, 13(2) (June, 1987).
"Working on the Railway: A Case Study in Capital-State Relations", Canadian Public Administration. 30(3) (Fall 1987).
"The Making of Canadian Eskimo Policy 1952-1962: The Life and Times of the Eskimo Affairs Committee", Arctic 40(3) (September, 1987).
"Native Hunters and the State: The Caribou Crisis in the Northwest Territories", SNID Occasional Paper No. 87-101. Programme of Studies in National and International Development, Queen's University, 1987.
"Regulatory Decision: Airlines". Institute of Public Administration of Canada. Programme of Case Studies and Simulations, 1985.
Commissioned Research
The Concept of Ministerial Responsibility in Parliamentary Government with Reference to Certain Testimony Before the Westray Mine Public Inquiry. Prepared for the Westray Mine Public Inquiry, Judge Peter Richards, November 1996. 56 pp.
Contours of the Modern State in the Territorial North: Institutions, Policies and Philosophies. Prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. May 1994. 90 pp.
Media Areas: Corporate and Industry Politics; Governance; Natural Resources and Environment